Other types of research support

In addition to developing an iConquerMS™ research study with you, we can support your research efforts in other ways:

  • Subject recruitment: If you are recruiting subjects for an existing study, we would be happy to post a notice in the discussion forum section of our registered members portal.
  • Community feedback: In addition to soliciting input from our community on individual research studies, we can also survey our members for other purposes. For instance, we have surveyed our members to understand how they rate the importance of research into mood disorders, and to test the feasibility of a study design involving online interventions.
  • Volunteer recruitment: If you have a research-related activity that would benefit from direct involvement from people with MS, we can help identify willing and interested individuals to participate. For example, we can help identify people with MS to serve on advisory panels for research studies or programs.

Please contact us  if we can be of help in one of these ways or any other way.

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